Category Archives: Thanksgiving



It’s that time of year where we again take stock of the things and people of who we are thankful. It seems silly though, that we cannot make this more of a daily occurrence and have to rely on the calendar for us to remember it. At least, I have this problem more often than not.

This year hits a little different– If you follow my Instagram (@hanniejoyandco) you will know that we’ve been dealing with some health issues with my husband. (You can read up on his story at @heart_for_aaron on Instagram). The short of it is that he needs a new heart. We were prepared to start this process in August and there were setbacks and challenges and changes. And, we learned in late Sept he was able to return to Maui to be with us as we wait for a heart for him. So, I am thankful. It’s bitter sweet in some respects— the type A in me wants to hurry up and get it done so we can put it behind us. But, I also see this gift of more time simply as a gift–and for that I am extremely grateful.

Of course, I knew NONE of this when I created this November calendar (back in November of LAST year—I make these to sell in December, so, they’ve got to be completed a year ahead). But, The sentiment perfectly describes my heart at this time. I’m so grateful for my family and that we are able to stay together at the moment. I’m grateful for the incredible support we have received from the community around us– in a time when that same community is mourning the most devastating fire Maui has ever seen. These past months have been surreal.

I love the softness and non traditional look of these colors. And, the images in the Soft Seedlings stamp set brings back nostalgic memories of playing with the ‘helicopters’ or whirly-birds in the yard with the fall leaves. I’m a little sad my children don’t get this experience here on Maui (but, hey— It’s 80 degrees at the moment that I write this and my family is dealing with below freezing highs today–so I get over it pretty quickly).

I used Petal Pink and Gray Granite to color the images. Ink the stamp with pink and then sponge gray around the edges. Simple stamping at it’s finest.

Hug your family and keep them close— we don’t know what tomorrow will bring us. But, for today, we will enjoy the moment and be thankful.

Go check out Anne’s and Cheryl’s creations for today!



Ahhhh…. November. Thanksgiving.  One of my favorite holidays.  I like it because it doesn’t have all the hustle that surrounds Christmas.  And it gives us a moment to pause, and count our blessings…image

This stamp set came with the Gratitude for Days Kit from last year’s occasion’s mini catalog.  So again, it is retired…


I hope you have a chance to rest and enjoy this month before all the busyness.  I seem to be overwhelmed with busyness as of late, and need this little reminder to be thankful…

Check out what Anne and Cheryl have for you!

Giving Thanks


As mentioned last month, I LOVE FALL.  I especially love the Thanksgiving season cause it causes to take a moment to pause and remember the things in life for which we are truly grateful.  This year has brought LOTS of changes for me and my family… and through that, I am learning how thankful I am for my family.  Sometimes we seem to forget to look on those who are closest to us with eyes of gratitude…


So, this month, I have a daily reminder to GIVE THANKS!!  And, I need to remember that throughout the whole year…




Head on over to see what delights Anne and Cheryl have for you!





Autumn is a little different here….


Fall in Hawaii had always seemed different to me.  Probably because, there isn’t one…   I suppose, growing up in Kansas, fall has always been that glorious transition to Thanksgiving. And Thanksgiving is that delightful holiday that ushers in the full-on festivity that is Christmas. And, I suppose it does the same here, except that the weather here doesn’t seem to want to cooperate. Football games in shorts and tank tops just seem strange to me.  And I guess I never realized how significant a role the weather plays in this process. But, even though I’ve lived here a while now, I still feel that the holidays sneak up on me. Cause we don’t have the telltale sign of the weather.

All of that is neither here nor there… except it kinda is the reason behind the color scheme of this card. I love fall. And fall colors. And crunchy leaves.  But, it doesn’t seem quite right to have all those elements here.  Which is why I wanted to make a brighter Thanksgiving card. I chose crushed curry for the color of this card.  Now, I know it is a fallish color, but it’s brightness seems to capture a Maui Thanksgiving a little better.


This card uses the label framelits die. I love it cause it comes with a label die sized to fit perfectly inside the cutout.

The Best of Autumn stamp set had several fall images and I kinda wanted to stick with the traditional pumpkin… even though it’s Maui. I used the aqua painter and some tangerine ink to keep with the brighter fall colors. I tried to keep away from the browns (though some of my favorite colors) just to keep the color bright.


The magnificiant maple stamp adds some texture as does the strip of sweater weather DSP.  Oh. And my favorite. The burlap. LOVE BURLAP (I think its gonna be the Christmas theme this year.) A vintage brad completed the theme.


I love the Give Thanks stamp that comes in this Best Of… set. Its super cute, not too long (Ever try to fit “Happy Thanksgiving” on a card?? It seems to take up an entire three card fronts.)

Anyway, hope you have a wonderful FALL….  I just saw on facebook that it snowed yesterday in KS.   Sometimes, Kansas weather can skip seasons.  So, I suppose KS doesn’t always follow what is SUPPOSED to happen.  But, here on Maui…. 80s and Sunny.  I gotta say, it is fun to go to the beach during Thanksgiving break…  🙂

Click the icon below to take you to the next stop on this tour:  Deb Leigh.  Enjoy your Tour!

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Here is the list:

Nancy Amato
Melissa Bolinger
Jackie Bottomley
Susan Carlson
Tamra Davis   
Sherri Eddleblute
Lynn Embrey  
Kathy Hamrick
Crystal Kondo 
Deb Lehigh     
Anne Matasci  
Andi Potler       
Michele Reynolds
Sharon Tisdale
Janet Wakeland